
Il-Frammenti ta’ Saffo

Il-Frammenti ta’ Saffo, Warren Bartolo jiġbor u jittraduċi l-poeżija ta’ Saffo mill-Grieg Antik għall-Malti. Il-pubblikazzjoni tinkludi wkoll Introduzzjoni, esej dwar it-Teorija tat-Traduzzjoni u l-Impossibbli, kummentarju dwar il-frammenti, u appendiċi li jinkludi l-iktar sejbiet riċenti tal-poeżija ta’ Saffo. Edizzjoni bilingwi bil-Grieg Antik u bil-Malti.

mill-bieb ‘il ġewwa

mill-bieb ‘il ġewwa

Title of the collection of short stories (in Maltese) by Loranne Vella  ‘mill-bieb ’il ġewwa’ is Maltese expression which literally means ‘from the front door inwards’ and could be translated to ‘whatever happens at home, behind closed doors’. Her stories slightly open the front door and invite outsiders to take a glimpse at several characters’ secret realities.

Imkejjen u Rkejjen

Imkejjen u Rkejjen book is a result of the long-term project No Man’s Land (2018) by artist Kristina Borg.
No Man’s Land deals with the politics of land and sea in Malta’s Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour areas. Thirteen localities – Kalkara to Valletta, Valletta to Sliema – each demarcated by its set of borders, surround this coastal area.


Transit is the culmination of the online and on-site Transit urban art project. This stylishly designed book – an ‘art study’ – traces the quiet tension arising from the Valletta City Gate project.



A collection of 93 poems infused with a vapourific view of the author’s own alcohol-induced take on life, the world and the culture he inhabits. Karl Consiglio writes as he thinks and makes no concession to language snobbery or class distinctions..

Marta Marta

Marta Marta

Marta Marta huwa rumanz polifoniku li jindirizza temi ewlenin mill-ħajja kontemporanja Maltija. Fost dawn insibu kwistjonijiet bħas-sesswalità, il-femminiżmu, il-kontraċezzjoni, l-abort, kif ukoll dik tal-ġeneru fil-possibbiltajiet kollha tiegħu – f’pajjiż fejn għadha prevalenti l-eġemonija Kattolika u patrijarkali – bl-intenzjoni li dawn it-temi jiġu esplorati minn angolu lokali u permezz tal-lingwa Maltija nnifisha.

Passaport (2019)

Wara għaxar snin jittajjar f’pajsaġġi u ilsna varji fil-qrib u fil-bogħod, il-Passaport jerġa’ lura d-dar. Nippreżentaw edizzjoni ġdida, riveduta u aġġornata. B’għamla xierqa għall-istejjer li l-poeżija għaddiet minnhom mill-2009 ’l hawn, iżda fuq kollox, b’libsa denja ta’ jdejn il-qarrejja.

The Black Rose (anon.)

A collection of stories gathered during the mid-1980s through to the end of the 1990s by photographer David Pisani while working on the Vanishing Valletta Project.

Pomegranate heart

Pomegranate heart

The second edition of Miriam Calleja’s book of poetry entitled Pomegranate Heart is a collection of 99 poems in English and Maltese.

Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet by Nadia Mifsud

Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet

L-ebda skiet mhu bħal ieħor. F’din il-ġabra ta’ poeżiji, Nadia Mifsud tirrakkonta skitijiet differenti, mis-skiet l-iktar intimu sa dak li saħansitra jista’ jissejjaħ esperjenza kollettiva, bħal meta d-dinja nħafnet mill-pandemija u ma konniex nafu x’naqbdu ngħidu (iktar). U int, qatt doqt is-skiet? Qatt żfintu? Taf tgħid x’kulur(i) għandu?

Erbgħin Jum

Pellegrinaġġ brutalment personali fil-kartografija miġnuna tat-tfulija, mingħajr boxxla jew bastun. Ġenn. Għadab. Paranojja. Iżda wkoll, bil-pass il-pass, il-luċidità, il-fehim, u l-possibbiltà tal-fejqan.

Night & Day

Night & Day

Night & Day is a collaborative photographic project between David Pisani, a professional photographer and Elise Billiard, an urban anthropologist and photographer, working together to document Paceville’s dual existence by day and by night.

Undertow – Poetics of Displacement

This book is the result of an intense collaboration with people from elsewhere, now living in Malta. You will find their own words in each chapter.

Strangers I’ll Never Forget

Strangers I’ll Never Forget

‘Strangers I’ll Never Forget’ is a quirky and accessible collection of short creative non-fiction narratives, as told by debut author MJ Camilleri. Through 16 stories that span three decades, Camilleri introduces readers to a wide variety of characters and situations – some comical, some near-horrific – but all of which he’s lived first-hand, and which he retells with ease of a seasoned raconteur.


Gilbert Calleja’s photographic documentary of the transgender community in Malta is a breakthrough publication that confronts the issues of a sub-culture that is struggling to assert itself in mainstream society. Calleja’s photographic work is informative as much as it is empathetic, never slipping into the obvious sensationalistic clichés of in-your-face photojournalism.


Inside Skin

Poet Miriam Calleja teams up with Zvezdan Reljic for a collaborative two-book set incorporating both photography and poetry.